Thursday, September 1, 2016

Welcome to the new school year!  It has been great to be back at school and see all of the kids in PE class.  Although we are two weeks in, I have only seen the students four times!  In that short amount of time, though I have seen many great things and we have set a solid foundation for our year in PE.

I wanted to put out a couple of reminders for you and your children on PE days.  Please encourage your children to wear tennis shoes (or bring a pair with them).  Sometimes it is possible that a student may still participate while wearing sandals or flip flops.  I have had to ask a couple of students to sit on the side because their shoes kept falling off or they were wearing heels and it just was not safe.  Our goal is for all students to participate each day!  Most students have done a great job of remembering tennis shoes, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to remind all.

My second reminder is in regards to dresses.  It is OK for your child to wear a dress to my class, please just remind them to wear shorts underneath.  We often sit on the floor, do activities the involve crawling, spinning, leaping, etc. and it is much better if we remember shorts.  Also, sometimes we use scooters.  In the past so kids have been unable to participate on these days when wearing dresses or skirts because they drag on the floor and get caught in the wheels.  I do not want to ruin the equipment or the clothing.  So it may be best to ask your child to save their dresses/skirts for non-PE days.

I am trying to post more on my blog and twitter this year.  Often I get wrapped up in and excited about the activity we are engaged in and take photos but forget to post them.  I try to get photos of each class, but I do not always do the best job.  But if you would like to follow me on twitter you are free to do so @Galbraith_PE.  It would be a great way to see what your child is doing in PE and a great conversation starter at dinner!

Again, welcome to the 2016-2017 school year and please feel free to contact me at any time!